Physiopathology Healing



*The healing process is sistemic and dynamic being directly related to the general conditions of the organism.

The humid way facilitates the cellular migration, the formation of the tissue granulation and the epitelization. The healing appropriate it favors this process. 

The ethilogy diagnosis tetiológico, the identification of the evolutionary phase and the appropriate conduct are fundamental for the success of the treatment. 

The wounds can be classified second several parameters that will aid in the diagnosis, the evolution and the treatment.


1. Ethiologic diagnosis: the disease that originated the wound.

2. Origin: for example: traumatic, surgical, pathological.

3. Morphology: to describe the location, number, dimension and depth. 

4. Contamination degree: it cleans, polluted, infected.

5. Cicatricial phase: to define the several stages, inflammatory, proliferative, maturation.

6. Exsudate characteristic: description its presence or absence, aspect, coloration and scent.

7. Fistula presence: to indicate presence and origin.

8. Bed wound characteristic: fibrotic, granulation, epitelizarion and necrotic.

9. Secretion culture: definition of the ethiologic agent and of the specific antibioticotherapy.

10. Wound evolution: sharp or chronicle.

11. Cicatrization type: primary,
secondary or primary late.


The tecidual repairing occurs in three distinct, complex, dynamic and overlapped phases. The release of mediators occurs in fall sistem, attracting structures to the periphery of the traumatizada region.

The knowledge of the evolutive phases of physiological healing process is basic for the adequate treatment of the wound.

Inflammatory phase or exsudative
Its duration is of approximately the 48 to 72 hours. It is characterized for the appearance of the prodromics signals of the inflammation: pain, heat, redness and oedema. Chemical mediators provoke vasodilatation, they increase the permeability of the vases and favor the leukocytes chemiotaxia (neutrophils) they fight the invading agents and macrophages carry through fagocitosis.

ProliferativE phase
Have the duration of 12 the 14 days. Neo-angiogenesis, production of young collagen for the fibroblasts and intense cellular migration occur, mainly keratinocyte, promoting the epitelization. The scar possesss colored aspect.

Maturation phase or remodelling
The third stage can last of months the years.
The collagen reorganization occurs, that acquires greater tensil. The scar assumes the similar coloration to the one for the adjacent one.


Interferce Factores in the

Nutricional Aspects in the
Treatment of  Wounds

Controversy in the Wound

Cicatrization Type

Scars Typies

Scars Treatment
 elastic mesh
 silicone plate
intralesional cortisone
topical gel



It Consults the Feridologo's Book - 2006
Santos - São Paulo - Brazil.