Clinical Case - Vegetant Cutaneous Tumors



*The skin tumors can show infiltrative and vegetant aspects, characterizing the malign formations.

They can be of primary origin, like as: basocelular carcinoma, espinocelular carcinoma and melanoma or they be metastatics. 

It is fundamental the accomplishment of the diferencial diagnosis through cutaneous biopsies. 

These lesions are highly delicate, could present spontaneous bleeding or with the simple manipulation. They can also present vegetant (fungic) aspect and fetid scent. 

With relationship to the topical standardization treatment can be vary second several factors,  for example:
a) wound type,
b) team's experience,
c) readiness of the product. 

In infected lesions it should be accomplished culture and secretion antibiograma in order to identify the aggressor agent  and to administer antibioticotherapy specific.

Palliative cares in Tumorals Wounds Treatment

The vegetants tumors  constitutes a challenge for the professional works it palliative cares, because its performance not always it is resolutive.
The pain control, the drainage, the scent and healing that provide smaller manipulation and larger comfort to the patients they are the established goals.

Topical Alternatives Treatment

*1. Ativated coal and silver that it will act as bactericide and it will contribute in the absorption of the secretion and decrease of the scent. 

2. For the control of the scent is the metronidazole. This antiparasitario can be diluted in physiologic saline solution (PS), generally in the proportion of 2 tablets of 250 mg / 250ml PS. The wound should be washed of two to three times a day until the disappearance of the problem. 

3. The ricinoleic acid derived from "castor oil" Ricinus communis will be use because your bactericide power. The lesion cannot it can be washed with standard of this solution diluted at 25% in physiologic saline solution, because in this concentration it has effect on bacterias positive and negative Gram. This dressing one should be accomplished 2 times a day and all the time that it be contaminated. 

4. The papain from 2% or 4% diluted in physiologic saline solution. It should be accomplished 2 times a day and all the time that it be contaminated. 

5. In bleeding wound the calcium
and sodium alginate
is indicated. It will also contribute in the absorption of secretion. 

6. in the lesions not infected and scentless it can be used with non
adherent gauzes
, hydrogel ecc.


 Cutaneous Wound by

Cutaneous Wound by

Hyperbaric Oxygentherapy

   - Bioperoxoil
   - Linoleic Acid
   - Ricinoleic Acid

   - Papain
   - Calcium & Sodium Alginate
   - Activated Coal & Silver


It Consults the Feridologo's Book - 2006
Santos - São Paulo - Brazil.